
Biking Through Saint Paul

Ah, temptation! You need not resist the great food and plentiful beverages at the Conference to keep your youthful figure! You can maintain your healthy lifestyle while in the Twin Cities and get excellent preservation education at the same time when you sign up for the Biking through Saint Paul field session. On a fabulous, sunny day, our hosts Mike Koop and Brian Horrigan of the Minnesota Historical Society began the 16-mile journey through the neighborhood of Summit Avenue. As it is one of the largest residential Victorian historic districts in the country, you will see Summit Avenue on the St Paul Overview Tour and the Candlelight House Tour (which we will blog about shortly), but seeing these magnificent houses by bike allows a completely different perspective. Learn about the evolution of the neighborhood, including some interesting renovations, additions, and some gorgeous gardens, then see The University of St. Thomas, a growing insitution in a residential neighborhood. Hear about the University's plans for eleven houses they own at the west end of Summit Avenue, and the reaction of the activist neighbors around them. Continue into Minneapolis, through Minnehaha Falls Park (running strong when we were there), and to the Minnesota Soldiers' Home, established in 1887. Your return ride includes some innovative mid-century neighborhoods, and more of Summit Avenue. The ride is mostly on flat or slightly up hill terrain, there are a few small hills that required some effort, but overall an easy and definitely enjoyable ride. An excellent and healthy way to spend a few hours.
Note that the ride will be on the street, but there is a bike lane (riding on the sidewalk is prohibited in St. Paul as in most jurisdictions, despite the person in the Ford Expedition who rolled down her window and shouted to me "Aren't you supposed to be on the sidewalk?" Uh, no, I'm not, share the road, please.) Traffic in the area is moderate, and there are a few street crossings, but with 20 of your friends on bikes, you'll make an impression. St. Paul is very bike- friendly, with many bike lanes and trails. We'll provide the bike, if you have a helmet you like, bring it with you to the conference. If not, we can get one for you. Once you sign up, we'll get in touch with you about all this.
Disclaimer: the top picture is not mine, I found it on the internet, but it was taken in September so the colors are beginning to change, as they will be at the Conference. It was taken from Indian Mounds Park, which is not on the bike tour, but IS on the St. Paul Overview tour. The other picture is the Minnesota Soldiers' Home, which you WILL see on the bike tour. I was really biking on this dry run, so my camera was not as handy as usual!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

You'll enjoy this tour! Michael and Brian are very knowledgeable and extremely enjoyable people. Plus, the Minnesota trees, and there are many of them, are always gorgeous the first week of October.


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